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A mental health blog called madness, Manchester and the mind
image of therapy by robert

Why should you listen to me?


If you had asked me a decade ago, I wouldn't have had an answer.


For a long time, I was lost and unfulfilled, just going through life on autopilot, not achieving anything. Many people around me, including myself, thought I was destined to live a struggling, disappointing life but through lucky timing, a throwaway conversation, and a bit of divine luck, I was given the opportunity to go back to college and take a short counselling course.


I knew, through my mental health struggles in my early 20s, that I had a certain understanding of the mind, but I had no idea that would end up being the foundation which my life would be built on.


And now 10 years later, I'm a school counsellor, helping others with their journey while I study for my psychology PhD........ In a weird way, breaking and hitting rock bottom has been the biggest gift I have been given.


Now, if you were to ask me why you should listen to me, I would say that my life's path now is to help others, and this blog is an extension of that..... It's a place for me to store my thoughts and hopefully help others.

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